Good Examples

Wikipedia: Rule - Don't Make Me Think

Description of the rule: Wikipedia's clean and simple design allows users to quickly access and search for information without any distractions. The consistent layout and navigation contribute to a seamless user experience.

Wikipedia Website Link

Amazon: Rule - How We Really Use the Web

Rule Description: Amazon's website is designed with user behavior in mind. It presents a clear and structured layout, with prominent search functionality and carefully organized product categories. Users can easily find, compare, and purchase products.

Amazon Website Link

GitHub: Rule - Omit Needless Words

Rule Description: GitHub, a code hosting platform, provides concise and organized documentation and code repositories. It's designed to make code and project management accessible and efficient.Also, advocates for clear and concise content often have streamlined and user-friendly interfaces.

GitHub Website Link

Bad Examples

The Room: Rule - Don't Make Me Think

Rule Description: This movie website lacks a clear message, making it difficult for visitors to understand the movies plot, genre, or release information. The lack of a concise synopsis and a visually engaging representation of the films themes and atmosphere contributes to user confusion. By providing a succinct and captivating message, The Room’s website could better engage visitors and enhance their understanding of the movie.

The Room Website Link

CNN: Rule - Omit Needless Words

Rule Description: The news website's homepage is overly crowded with an overwhelming number of news articles, videos, and advertisements, which overwhelms users. This surplus of content creates challenges in identifying the most crucial and important information. To improve user engagement, simplifying the layout, giving priority to essential stories, and offering user-friendly navigation would be beneficial.

CNN Website Link

Lings Cars: Rule - Street signs and Breadcrumbs

Rule Description: The website for car leasing has a complicated navigation system, filled with too many floating graphics that make it difficult for users to locate the information they need. The intricate menu and distracting floating elements create a challenge in staying focused on important content. Streamlining the menu, arranging content in a more logical manner, and minimizing distractions would improve the user experience when navigating the site

Lings Cars Website Link